Pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb and Merck refuses to give life saving medication to patients that are dying. Distinguished oncologists consider the combination of 'nivolumab' and 'ipilimumab' a breakthrough (42% recovers and 80 % tumor shrink) in the treatment of melanoma cancer with hardly any side effects. My brother needs this medication, otherwise he and others will die unnecessarily. End of the year its available for compassionate use but that's to late for Eduard and fellow-sufferers. If you agree that dying patients must have access to innovative medication when it can save their lives, please sign. If you agree that only you and your doctor can decide about your life/death and not pharmaceutical companies or government rules, please sign. Tomorrow it could happen to you or someone you love. When it's a matter of life and death, compassion and humanity should come first. Not the interests of companies........... 'MyTomorrows' supports us. Please 'like' their FB page.Tomorrow it could be your life thats at stake. Attention! Don't forget to confirm the email that you receive. Otherwise your vote doesn't count. If you want your name showed please mark the square before you sign the petition. You will receive an email in Dutch. Click the blue sentence ("u kunt uw ondertekening bevestigen door op deze zin te klikken") underneath your own email address. You will automatically return to the petition. Press the orange button "bevestigen" at the bottom. That's it. Eduard, his daughter and fellow-sufferers say thanks...
Alle mensen met compassie voor onnodig leed.
Op het gebied van uitgezaaide melanoomkanker is er in 2013 een grote doorbraak geweest; Immunotherapie. Gerenommeerde oncologen spreken van een spectaculair, revolutionair middel met weinig bijwerkingen. Mijn broer heeft dit middel nodig anders sterft hij. 48 jaar oud en een dochter van 12.. Farmaceut Bristol-Myers Squibb speelt voor God en geeft het middel niet.
Laat farmaceut Bristol-Myers Squibb niet voor God spelen. Artsen en patiënten moeten beslissingsbevoegdheid hebben over leven en dood. Ik roep Farmaceut Bristol-Myers Squibb op om het middel nivolumab asap beschikbaar te stellen aan stervende patiënten. Stel humaniteit en compassie boven geld en macht!