You, the petitioner

Night trains in Europe

135 signatures

The time has come for cheap, easy and comfy night trains! Book online, board in those hours before midnight in your private hotel room on rails. Get off the train the next morning in the hours after arrival.

No hassle, good for the environment, safe. And most of all, reliable because of a relaxed schedule.

Unfortunately the European Commission gambles on high speed rail for international train transit. Attempts by the current state rail companies to make international night trains attractive fail again and again. They can not rethink their business, but only adjust their legacy slightly. Allow and promote new price fighters in this business. Just like what happened in EU aviation.

This petition falls under the competence of the EU; the "free movement of goods, capital, services, and people"

(normp has the rights on photo 1



travellers in Europe,


establish that:

  • travel per night train becomes a luxury product

  • Europe only focuses on the development of a European high speed rail network

  • no big investments in infrastructure are necessary to run regular night trains

  • travel per regular night train with many wagons is per definition more energy efficient then a high speed train

  • the rail companies are challenged by competitors like state airline companies were confronted with price fighters

  • there are many deserted railway yards in industrial zones near major cities where platforms can exploited, like deserted military airports are used by price fighters in aviation

  • the capacity of the rail network can be maximised by slow night trains mixed with the current cargo traffic and maintenance.

  • travel by night train is currently not as easy as:

"book online, board in the evening after supper before midnight in full hotel room on rail and get off in the morning in the city of your destination (or sleep a bit longer in your room). "


and request

to open up the European rail network for commercial price fighters with international night trains and possibly commission a European tender for the start up phase for such initiatives (for example for investments in equipment that meets the European safety regulations).

Sign this petition

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Bepaalde EU-regels hebben de internationale nachttrein om zeep geholpen

Nog een uitleg waarom de nachttreinen verdwijnen. Als nachttreinen grensoverschrijdend zijn dan moeten de spoorwegmaatschappijen met elkaar samenwerken terwijl ze ondertussen concurrent zijn geworden op een markt.


De track charges voor het gebruik van het spoor ondertussen zijn ondergebracht bij een aparte organisatie


Europese Parlement onderzoekt de nachttrein: "het blijft een niche"

Het Europese parlement heeft een onderzoek besteld naar de nachttrein met de titel "Passenger night trains in Europe: the end of the line?" volgens Railway Gazette

Interessant is vooral dat er wat gedaan moet worden aan de prijs om rails te gebruiken, dat is het grootste obstakel nu. Belangrijk voor de nachttreinen "to ensure their viability is not undermined by mark-ups to infrastructure charges."

"The report says that while night train services have declined, they still contribute to the mobility needs of European citizens.


Although ‘it seems unlikely that the night train sector will grow beyond a small niche’, the authors say that their suggested measures may help ensure their survival."


Helft Franse nachttreinen verdwijnt

Op het nieuws dat de helft van de Franse nachttreinen verdwijnt, want onrendabel. Een belangrijk zinnetje is onvertaald gebleven.


Le Monde schrijft: "Le secrétaire d’Etat (…) invitait de nouveaux opérateurs ferroviaires à se manifester et à proposer de « nouveaux schémas d’exploitation innovants » pour ces trains nocturnes."

Dus, nieuwe exploitanten worden uitgenodigd met een innovatief voorstel te komen! Deze petitie vraagt er om. Tekenen!
