You, the petitioner
South africa farmattacks

Grant refugee status and accept asylum applications from South Africans

50 signatures

A law has recently been accepted in South-Africa that enables the government to seize the lands of white farmers without compensation. After a seemingly endless struggle against robberies, murder and mutilations, there are enough people that want to leave South-Africa. Please do not abandon these people!



  • That for years and years, white farmers have been the target of raids, murders and mutilations, even the children aren't spared from these horrors.

  • Recently, a law has been accepted by the South African government that enables them to seize the lands of these farmers without compensation.

  • This will lead to government sanctioned violence against people simply living their lives, and this will be the tipping point for a lot of people.


establish that:

Anyone fleeing this nightmare safety within our country. Grant them asylum in The Netherlands and make sure they are taken care of in an orderly fashion after all the gruesome terror and traumatic events they have gone through. Nobody deserves this!


and request

de vluchtende Zuid-Afrikanen asiel te geven in Nederland en op een fatsoenlijke manier op te vangen na alle gruwelijke terreur en traumatische gebeurtenissen die ze hebben meegemaakt. Dit verdient niemand!

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Tweede Kamer 
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Owen Oerlemans 




De oorzaak van die nieuwe wet; Julius Malema, verteld over zijn ideeën

Dit is de brute en gruwelijke waarheid voor boeren in Zuid-Afrika! Facebook video.
