You, the petitioner

Let the receptionist stay at HKU

68 signatures

Our receptionist has been working at the reception of the HKU conservatory for almost two years - welcoming students, teachers and others with a big smile and open arms. The school doesn't want to offer her a new contract, but we ask school to reconsider their decision and to make her stay.



Students, teachers, people who work in administration of the HKU.


establish that:

Our receptionist has been the welcoming face of the main building of the HKU Conservatory, always asking people how they are with sincere interest and helping everyone where she can. She provides a welcoming, open, respectful environment in the school.


and request

We ask school to reconsider the decision to not offer her a new contract, knowing how much she will be missed by the students, teachers and other colleagues.

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Lead petitioner:
Sara Corbey 

