You, the petitioner
Gabriel metsustraat 6 j. marsman

Stop the demolition plans of the house where Etty Hillesum wrote her diary

4,297 signatures

Gabriël Metsustraat 6, the house where Etty Hillesum wrote her diaries during the war years will be razed to the ground. This is an appeal to the Minister of Education, Culture and Science to denominate the building as a national monument and prevent the destruction of world-historical heritage.



The Etty Hillesum Research Center, The Jewish Houses Foundation, Prof. dr. Klaas Smelik and others


establish that:

that the building, Gabriël Metsustraat 6 represents a highly significant cultural-historical value because of the Jewish author Etty Hillesum (1914-1943) who lived there during the Second World War and wrote her world famous war diary. The building is a tangible reminder of this special writer and we believe that this heritage should be treated with care and respect. Unfortunately, we note that the building is in danger of being demolished.


and request

the Minister of Education, Culture and Science to denominate the building as a national monument, so that it will be preserved and can remain a tangible place for remembrance of this very special and world-renowned Jewish writer for future generations.

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Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Lotte Bergen 
Etty Hillesum Onderzoekscentrum, Middelburg 

