You, the petitioner
2022 vaccinated

'Vax the world' - Make it a better place

1 signature

Request to host a confererence with government leaders, vaccine producers/distributors, WHO and other relevant organisations to come to a solution/system to reach vaccination degree of 80% in every country of the world in order to prevent (or at least limit) the origination of new Covid-19 variants.



Citizens of Europe, Citizens of the World


establish that:

that the current dominant Covid-19 variants, the Delta variant and the emerging Omicron variant originated in countries with a low vaccination degree and that the chance of origination of future 'dangerous variants' is likely to take place in countries with a low vaccination degree for the simple reason the virus has more freedom to 'multiply itself' and change itself into new variants.


and request

to host (and possibly repeat) a conference, with all those of power and influence (governments, vaccine producers/distributors, ngos) present, to come to a system to ensure that in every country of the world at least 80% of the population is vaccinated and remains boostered (as per advice of relevant health authorities) in order to; - prevent (or at least limit) covid-19 variants from originating - end inequality in access to vaccines

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Europese Commissie 
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Jan Nijeboer 
Global Expo Stand 

